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Lost, abandoned and left on the cold shelter’s floor,
I gave them 8 years of my life, but they loved me no more.
Afraid, alone, I had lost hope for my future, I had simply shut down.
Then, I was told about Alaqua, a place that is the opposite of this pound.
The kind folks at Alaqua, whisked me away to this magical place,
My hope was restored, they renewed my love for the human race.
I’m not a young fellow, pushing the ripe old age of eight,
but that doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy life and still keep my faith.
For, you see, here at Alaqua we all are treated with love and respect,
we to learn to trust, play and thrive, soon we forget about the neglect.
Recess with the residents, is my favorite parts of the day,
I run, play and exchange “pee-mails”, with all. I just love to play!
At eight years old, I’m a refined gentleman, and I not a grumpy old man,
but, I’m set in my ways, a bit food protective, I know you will understand.
Once you’ve been hungry, and your tummy does nothing but growl,
it takes someone with patience, someone that will give me a while.
My health is pretty good, a few aches and pains, relieved with medication,
but it doesn’t slow me down, I will keep up with your greatest expectations!
My eyes are a bit cloudy, but I can see none the less,
I get around just fine, my vision causes me no stress.
The holidays are coming closer, and I know they can be a bit hectic,
but please consider providing a home for me,….an elderly geriatric.
A home for the holidays, that is the only thing on my Christmas list,
A bed, a hot meal, a human to share my love, and of course a Christmas kiss.
Please come an see me at Alaqua. You might be the one to make my Christmas wish come true!
Merry Christmas to all!
(Submitted by Gaye Patton)

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