Best selling author Tim Dorsey is a guest on Good Morning 30a

Dorsey was born in Indiana and moved to Florida at the age of 1. He grew up in Riviera Beach, a small town in Palm Beach County just north of West Palm Beach. Dorsey graduated from Bishop Guertin High School in Nashua N.H, in 1979.

He attended Auburn University, where he became the editor of The Auburn Plainsman, the student newspaper. Dorsey graduated in 1983 with a Bachelor’s degree in Transportation. After graduation, he moved to Montgomery, Alabama, and served as a police reporter for a local newspaper. In 1987, Dorsey relocated to Tampa, Florida, and became a reporter for The Tampa Tribune. Until he resigned from the paper in 1999 to write full-time, he worked variously as political reporter, correspondent in the Tribune’s Tallahassee bureau, copy desk editor, and, finally, night metro editor and news coordinator.

Currently, Dorsey lives in Tampa with his wife and two daughters. He is a Boston Red Sox fan due to his mother and the nuns and brothers from Bishop Guertin High School he attended as a child being from New Hampshire. He is also a Tampa Bay Rays fan from living in the same city.[1]