By watch_30atv Viewed 6023 times

Category: Nothing Scripted
Nothing Scripted @30atv #30atv  This weeks show - Would you rather ? Asking things like - Would you rather be a tree or live in a tree ?"

Nothing Scripted Would you rather ?

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One thought on “Nothing Scripted Would you rather ?”

  1. 30A says:

    Do you have better answers than we do ?

    Would you rather be go about your normal day naked or fall asleep for a year? #roku
    Would you rather be gossiped about or never talked about at all?
    Would you rather be hairy all over or completely bald?
    Would you rather be happy for 8 hours/day and poor or sad for 8 hours/day and rich?
    Would you rather be invisible or be able to read minds?
    Would you rather be rich and ugly, or Poor and good-looking?
    Would you rather be stranded on an island alone or with someone you hate?
    Would you rather eat poison ivy or a handful of bumblebees?
    Would you rather end hunger or hatred?
    Would you rather find true love or 10 million dollars?
    Would you rather forget who you were or who everyone else was?
    Would you rather get caught singing in the mirror or spying on your crush?
    Would you rather make headlines for saving somebody’s life or winning a nobel prize?
    Would you rather meet an alien visitor or travel to outer space?
    Would you rather never use the internet again or never watch TV again?
    Would you rather not be able to use your phone or your e-mail?
    Would you rather only be able to whisper or only be able to shout?
    Would you rather own a ski lodge or a surf camp?
    Would you rather be in a dark and scary room for days all by yourself or be in a well-lit room alone with Michael Jackson?

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