DEFUNIAK SPRINGS, Fla. – A single engine 4-passenger Cirrus plane got caught in the cross winds while taking off on the main runway at the DeFuniak Municipal Airport this morning. The high winds clipped the plane on its right side causing it to land in a grassy area a few feet from Airport Road, a secured private road that belongs to the airport. The pilot was the only person on board and self-extricated without injury. Fire crews secured the scene and checked for injuries. The pilot was further examined by Walton County Fire Rescue, Florida, and was released under his own recognizance on scene. The pilot was very appreciative of the assistance from county and city first responders.
The incident has been turned over to support staff at City Airport, and all emergency crews have been released from the scene. The main runway 09-27 that runs east to west, is closed. The 18-36, the dirt runway that runs north to south, is open for operations.
The FAA will complete the investigation and clear the runway.

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