Are you ready to help benefit children in abusive situations, and have a fun evening at the same time? The Emerald Coast Children’s Advocacy Center (ECCAC) presents their 6th Annual Wiggin’ Out For A Cause event presented by Great American RV Superstores on Thursday, September 22, from 6 to 10 p.m. in the Shoreline Church Event Area, 140 Palmetto Street, in Destin. This year, ECCAC is encouraging men to attend, too. With a “Prom Night of Your Dreams” theme, ladies and gentlemen can come dressed accordingly in their best (or worst) prom attire. The entertaining event will be filled with wine and punch cocktails, along with food, fun, photo booths, and live DJ music with dancing. Both the ladies and the gents will receive their own personal wigs. Guests are encouraged to pre-purchase tickets now at $90 per person. Limited VIP tickets at $150 per person include a designer wig and attendance to a private VIP Pre-Party from 5 to 6 p.m. Proceeds benefit ECCAC. Tickets can be purchased online at, or call Ana Michalzik at 850-420-4639. Wiggin’ Out For A Cause
Hosted by Emerald Coast Children’s Advocacy Center
Thursday – September 22 – 6 to 10 pm
Shoreline Church Event Area
140 Palmetto Street
Destin FL