Boshamps to Hold Festival on March 26 Benefitting The Wright Fight for Cystic Fibrosis Boshamps Seafood and Oyster House located on the Destin Harbor announces Annual BoJamz Music and Arts Festival benefitting The Wright Fight for Cystic Fibrosis on March 26, 2022. BoJamz is a one day music festival on the Destin Harbor featuring a silent auction and huge crawfish boil aimed at bringing the community together to raise money for a great cause. This year, proceeds from BoJamz will go to benefit The Wright Fight for Cystic Fibrosis. William Wright, a lifelong Destin resident, and his wife Magen have twin sons, Merritt and Campbell, who were born with Cystic Fibrosis (CF). CF is a progressive, genetic disease that causes persistent lung infections and limits the ability to breathe over time. More than 30,000 children and adults in the US have CF (70,000 worldwide) and there is some real potential for a cure, so Boshamps is asking the community to come together to help.
BoJamz is making a name for itself along the Emerald Coast, drawing a larger crowd and more recognition each year. Funds will be raised by collecting a $10 suggested donation at the door as well as a large silent auction featuring items donated by the community. Boshamps is looking for volunteers to assist with this event. If you would like to help, please email Heather at or call 850.974.5339.
Live Music Lineup for BoJamz: 11:30am – 12pm – Jess and Russ 12pm – 1:15pm – The Good Lookings 1:15pm – 2:30pm – The HooDoos 2:30pm – 4pm – Flow Tribe 4pm – 5:30pm – Stormfolk 5:30pm – 7pm – Chasin’ Jaymie 7pm – 8:30pm – John Hart and the Prince Brothers 8:30pm – 10pm – The Iceman Special
About Boshamps: Boshamps Seafood & Oyster House, located on the beautiful Destin Harbor, is the culmination of over 40 years of dreams, ideas and experience in the restaurant and hospitality industry. The vision and goal of providing the finest quality ingredients in the most comfortable, family friendly atmosphere available has been rooted in our family and in this property since 1985. After almost 30 years of being Destin’s finest white table cloth restaurant, The Flamingo Cafe, our family, Chef, and team started dreaming, planning and building Boshamps. While stripping the table cloths and removing our bow ties, we kept our vision in mind and now more than ever, encourage our guests to be as casual and comfortable as they can be while experiencing the absolute finest dining offered on the Destin Harbor.
About The Wright Family: Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is a progressive, genetic disease that causes persistent lung infections and limits the ability to breathe over time. In people with CF, a defective gene causes a thick, sticky buildup of mucus in the lungs, pancreas, and other organs. In the lungs, the mucus clogs the airways and traps germs, like bacteria, leading to infections, inflammation, respiratory failure, and other complications. For this reason, minimizing contact with germs is a top concern for people with CF.
Merritt and Campbell Wright are twin five-year-old boys living with CF. Despite having CF, they are two completely normal 5-year-olds that love to go hunting and fishing, play baseball and soccer, and goof around with their little sister Maylie. Their dad, William, grew up in Destin before moving to Texas with his wife, Magen, after college. The family now lives in Birmingham, Alabama.
On a normal day, Merritt and Campbell will undergo about 2.5 hours of breathing treatments and each take about 20 pills to maintain their health. Magen and William always make sure that the boys take every medicine and never skip a treatment, no matter what, but based on the current state of practice and without medical advancement, the boys will do these treatments every day and night and take their pills for the rest of their life – right now estimated at about 50 years on average.
Magen and William started ‘The Wright Fight’ in 2016 to help support the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Then, just over 5 years ago, the diagnosing doctor told the parents that their boys life expectancy was in their late 30’s. These tremendous strides are being made possible largely due to the CF Foundation funding researchers that are tirelessly working towards advanced treatments and, ultimately, a cure. Beyond making sure they boys wash their hands and take all of their medications, The Wright Fight is the parents’ way of doing everything they can for their children and giving them a chance to have a full and long life. The CF Foundation has made a long life possible for Campbell and Merritt, and the Foundation itself is made possible by its supporters.