New Delivery Service Launches To Support Local Restaurants & Community
New Delivery Service Launches To Support Local Restaurants & Community
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Time To Eat Gulf Coast was founded with the purpose of helping locally-owned businesses recover from the pandemic.
Time To Eat Gulf Coast believes by lowering costs for restaurants and offering first-class service, it can play a significant role in helping restaurants recover financially. Time To Eat Gulf Coast provides local restaurants an alternative to the corporate delivery companies that charge higher rates for delivery. Time To Eat Gulf Coast’s CEO, Jerry Edwards, is dedicated to giving back to his local community.
Mr. Edwards has emphasized the need to vet, train, and support his drivers. He believes that drivers should be held to a higher standard and continues to provide ongoing training with a focus placed on the value of customer service. Mr. Edward’s philosophy is if the delivery is done right, then everyone wins: restaurants are pleased, customers are satisfied, and drivers are well-tipped.
Use Delivery Code “First Delivery” to receive your first order free!
Media Contact Jerry Edwards
New Delivery Service Launches To Support Local Restaurants & Community