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DeFuniak Springs Community Feeding Pilot Program – Saturday, April 4
On Saturday, April 4th, Walton County Emergency Management, in conjunction with the Matrix Community Outreach Center (COC), will host a community feeding pilot program at 4C BBQ in DeFuniak Springs.
The food distribution program will be held beginning at 10:00 am in the 4C BBQ parking lot located at 1045 US-331, Suite H in DeFuniak Springs.
The food distribution will first come first serve and will consist of fresh vegetables, fresh fruit, water, Gatorade and orange juice.
This program is intended to focus on individuals and families below the poverty level, those recently unemployed due to the COVIC-19 outbreak, seniors, and those with compromised immune systems or underlying medical conditions that limit their mobility.
The distribution of the food would be done via a drive-thru system.
Recipients would not be allowed to get out of their vehicles. The safety and well-being of volunteers, recipients, and our community would be top priority. Healthy screenings, use of personal protective equipment (PPE) and the 6 feet self distancing guideline will be strictly adhered to at all times.
The pilot program is being made possible through a partnership between Walton County Emergency Management, the Matrix COC, Farm Share of Florida, the Walton County School District, Patriots Emergency Response Team, Walton County Community Emergency Response Team and 4C BBQ .
Due to the increasing number of pantry shortages/closures, individuals applying for unemployment, calls coming into the Citizen Information Center, and to the Matrix COC requesting food assistance, the Walton County Emergency Management Human Services Branch Director, Candy Nowling (Director of Matrix COC) , has been working on an Emergency Community Feeding Program. The program is being developed in the event a larger need is required.
DeFuniak Springs Community Feeding Pilot Program – Saturday, April 4