www.gulfcoast.edu/arts. If you can’t attend this date, please contact us for other options at (850) 872.3887 or email jhedden@gulfcoast.edu.
The Visual & Performing Arts Division of Gulf Coast State College will hold a Creative Career Fair and Auditions/Interviews for 2020-2021 Visual & Performing Arts Scholarships on Saturday, February 29, from 12:00 p.m.– 4:00 p.m. at GCSC’s Amelia G. Tapper Center for the Arts.
The Creative Career Fair is an opportunity for students and the community to connect with local creative professionals, organizations and businesses that hire individuals with skills in artistic and creative fields. There will be panel discussions and networking opportunities. Individuals and organizations wishing to set up a table at the event should contact Jason Hedden at jhedden@gulfcoast.edu. This is not an opportunity for creatives and organizations to sell their work.
The VPA Scholarships are for new, incoming students as well as returning, full-time students. A high school diploma or equivalent is required by August 2020. For scholarship/audition interviews:
Music Contact: Carissa Hosea, chosea@gulfcoast.edu, (850) 769.1551 ext. 2821
Perform two contrasting pieces on their instrument or voice. Voice applicants will need to bring sheet music or an accompaniment track without vocals.
Theatre Contact: Jason Hedden, jhedden@gulfcoast.edu, (850) 872.3887
For Acting: Two contrasting monologues not to exceed three minutes.
For Musical Theatre: One monologue not to exceed 90 seconds and a song. Applicants will need to bring sheet music or an accompaniment track without vocals.
Art Contact: Tammy Marinuzzi, tmarinuzzi@gulfcoast.edu, (850) 769.1551 ext. 2890
A portfolio of the applicant’s work including 10-12 high quality images (need not be matted). Work may also be submitted on slides or high quality digital format (CD or USB).
Entertainment Technology Contact: Brian Baillif, bbaillif@gulfcoast.edu, (850) 769.1551 ext. 4865
Be prepared for an interview with ENT faculty.
For Directing/Stage Management/Design:
Applicants will need to come for a technical interview with ENT faculty and bring their portfolio, resume and a sample of work, if available.
The full schedule for the event can be found at