Visit South Walton Named Tourism Office of the Year
Visit South Walton was honored as Tourism Office of the Year for organizations with budgets of more than $2 million by the Southeast Tourism Society (STS). The award was announced at the 2019 Shining Example Award Presentation during the Southeast Tourism Society’s annual Connections conference March 19-21 in Daytona Beach, Fla. Visit South Walton Executive Director Jay Tusa and Visit South Walton Director of Administration Jason Cutshaw were on hand to accept the award, which recognizes the impactful work done by Visit South Walton, including expanding beach access, opening a new park and organizing relief efforts following Hurricane Michael. “For Visit South Walton to be given this top award by STS shows that the work we do here truly does set the example as ‘Tourism’s Best and Brightest,’ not just in Florida, but for the entire Southeast,” says Director of Communications David Demarest. “We could not be more proud to accept this award, and we’re truly honored that our industry peers have chosen our work as an industry-leading example of how travel and tourism work can strengthen economies and communities.” Photo: (From left to right) Visit South Walton Director of Administration Jason Cutshaw, STS President and CEO Monica Smith, and Visit South Walton Executive Director Jay Tusa.