, (850) 872.3886.
GCSC presents “After Action Review” Art Exhibit, Reception and Lecture
Panama City, FL – The Visual & Performing Arts Division of Gulf Coast State College presents “After Action Review,” a group exhibition featuring work by Jesse Albrecht, Michael Aschenbrenner, Thaddeus Erdahl, Aaron Hughes, Tyler Nicholson, Thomas Orr, Jessica Putnam Phillips, Jennifer Robinson, and Ehren Tool. As stated in Army training documents, “After-Action Reviews (AARs) help provide soldiers and units feedback on mission and task performances in training and in combat. After-Action Reviews identify how to correct deficiencies, sustain strengths, and focus on performance of specific mission essential task list training objectives.”
The artists represented in this AAR are veterans and former active duty members from Vietnam, Desert Storm, and the current Global War on Terror. While not considering themselves spokespeople or representatives of these conflicts, they serve as the juncture between the civilian world and the experiences of service members in and out of wartime. Every participant in this exhibition was chosen not only because of their experiences in the military or combat, but also due to their unique take on art-making—each bringing their voice and perspective of the world in which they navigate and sustain their strengths.
The exhibit runs from January 25 to February 15, with two events concluding on Friday, February 15. The first is a lecture about the collection from Tyler Nicholson, exhibit curator, from 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. in the Amelia Center (Room 127). The second is a closing reception that evening from 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. The work will be on display in the Amelia Center Gallery (Room 112). Gallery hours are Monday – Thursday, 10:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m., and Friday 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Admission to the exhibit is free, and there is no cost for the lecture or reception. For more information, please contact Pavel Amromin at