Apalachicola, Florida; Riverfront Park – The Apalachicola Oyster Cook-off is an annual event and the sole fundraiser for the Apalachicola Volunteer Fire Department. The cook-off attracts area chefs and homegrown locals competing with their prized oyster based recipes. Last year’s winner, the Eastpoint Volunteer Fire Department, will be back this January to defend their title.
Friday, January 13, 2017
Art Auction Preview and Oyster Tasting 6-8pm, at the Apalachicola Center for History, Culture and Arts at 86 Water Street.
Live Music throughout Downtown 8pm-until (Check out Tamara’s Tapas Bar and Bowery Station’s Facebook pages for more info)
Saturday, January 14, 2017 at Riverfront Park
Half-Shell Hustle 5K Run 8am
Cook-off 12-5pm (no gate entrance fee)-Art Auction continues, food and refreshments available for purchase throughout the day
Pam Nobles Dance Class Performance 1pm (you don’t want to miss the Fireman dance!)
Blues Music by Eric Culberson Band starts 2pm
Judging begins 2pm
Winners announced 3pm
. Several types of seafood will be offered for sale such as fried, baked, and raw oysters, oyster stew, smoked mullet, fresh shrimp and more!
“I invite everyone to enter their favorite oyster recipe or just come to enjoy some fresh Apalachicola Bay seafood, live music and small town camaraderie.” says event organizer Marisa Getter.
The Apalachicola Oyster Cook-off was started in 2010 by a group of concerned citizens wanting to raise money for the Apalachicola Volunteer Fire Department. They saw the department’s need for additional funds to help purchase a new fire truck, improved firefighting equipment and additional training for its volunteers.
More information about the Apalachicola Oyster Cook-off is available online at www.oystercookoff.com or on Facebook at Apalachicola Oyster Cook-Off.
The Old Carrabelle Hotel Carrabelle & Dog Island
