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Miramar Beach, Fla— The Walton County Sheriff’s Office would like to thank the public for its help in identifying the person responsible for more than $15,000 in damages to Sandestin’s Raven Golf Course.
Tuesday at around 3pm WCSO investigators were advised through an anonymous tip that a juvenile had been bragging about committing the offense.
It was determined that the 17-year-old lived on the property and investigators went to the subject’s residence and found a vehicle in the driveway matching the description witnesses gave deputies the night of the incident. Contact was made with the mother of the juvenile who gave investigators permission to examine the vehicle further and speak with the suspect. The tires of the vehicle measured 9″ wide matching that of the suspect vehicle and golf course style grass was also found in the rear fender wells.
Contact was made with the juvenile who first denied involvement in the incident. He then admitted post Miranda he had committed the offense. The juvenile admitted knowing that driving on the golf course would cause damage to the grass, but stated he was “bored.”
The 17-year-old was subsequently arrested for criminal mischief and transported to the Walton County Jail where he was released to his mother per the Department of Juvenile Justice. The Walton County Sheriff’s Office is choosing not to release the suspect’s name because of the absence of a criminal record; however it will be made public upon request per Florida Sunshine Law.

Written and Disseminated by: Corey Dobridnia
Golf Course Vandals Arrested