Road Closure Notification for County Highway 30-A
Road Closure Notification for County Highway 30-A
Walton County Public Works is scheduled to facilitate the closure of County Highway 30-A beginning September14, 2015 to begin construction of a new bridge at Draper Lake.

The road closure will take place approximately .80 miles east of CR 393 at Draper Lake. The bridge construction project and the associated road closure will restrict thru traffic for the duration of the project. The bridge construction project is scheduled to be complete by March 1, 2016.
Detours routes will be implemented via CR393 to US Hwy 98 to CR 83. Message boards and detour signage will be installed prior to the road closure taking affect.
The public is encouraged to us caution while traveling in this area. Pease contact Walton County Public Works at 892-8108 with any questions related to this project