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Walton County Fire Rescue recently held a series of live trainings in order to better prepare firefighters to deal with vehicle fires. Walton County purchased the vehicle fire simulator in 2011. The funds for the purchase of the simulator were provided through a grant from the Federal Emergency Management Agency. The vehicle simulator has the ability to simulate several types of vehicle fires including the development of tire fires, engine compartment fires, passenger compartment fires or any combination of the above. The simulator includes a trailer which makes the unit mobile and can be set up in any parking lot. For the most recent simulation, Battalion Chief James McMillan served as the fire control officer for the simulator and Chief Brian Coley served as the safety officer for the training evolution. Captain Greg Pippin was also on hand for the simulation. With this simulator, Walton County Fire Rescue has the ability to develop skills for the control of car fires in as safe an environment as possible for training firefighters. In, addition to the vehicle simulator, Walton County also owns a flammable liquids simulator, forcible entry simulator and flashover simulator. Fire 2

SWFD Trains for Vehicle Fires

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